Monday, November 24, 2008

Holidays.... CRAP!

With my new found glory of being a phone technician... i get to endure the wonderful task of setting up holiday greetings for every one of our customers. This is a very simple task. However, I feel the customers are going to make it more pain staking then it needs to be. With the growth of the company, and the number of phones systems we have installed around the country, I fear its going to be a very long week ahead of me...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Well, it has been a while yet again...

Things at work are wonderful. The company has made a few changes that I am really enjoying being a part of. Things will be so much better for all of us once things are going smooth and continue to show promise. Also got myself a nice raise! I am very happy with it and very happy where I am right now.

Things with my girlfriend are still very good. We have some rough spots now and then, but nothing we can't overcome. The fact that we take the time to understand these speed bumps and try to work on them, makes me love it even better. I am glad I can share my life with someone who is so wonderful and caring.

Another league has started for Team Fortress 2 at We have a ton of things going on and have seen great improvement with the league. is officially up and running thanks to turb0z and Delirium. It looks very well and functions just as good. Hit it up if you are looking for a small fun league to play in with friends.
